I assume that this is your question with the options:
Proteins scan chromosomes for damage during:
A) the G1 checkpoint
B) Beginning of the synthesis phase
C) Apoptosis phase
D) G2 checkpoint
E) Metaphase checkpoint.
The answer is option A): G1 checkpoint.
During the internal checkpoints for regulation of a cell cycle, proteins usually scan chromosomes for damage to DNA and evaluate other external factors at the G1 checkpoint in order to ascertain whether conditions are inadequate. If conditions are inadequate and damages exist, cells will not be allowed to continue to the next phase.
Answer: The article read by Yuki is more likely to have been peer-reviewed because this article is part of a Journal Medicine and peer-review is mandatory in most Academic journals before publication.
Peer-review implies academic works such as research papers or articles are verified by peers of the author. For example, a medical article is evaluated by other experts in the same field with similar knowledge and competences. This process is essential to guarantee the information is accurate and reliable. Moreover, peer-review is used mainly in academic journals or academic papers. Indeed, most academic journals require new articles or papers to be peer-review before these are published in the journal.
In this context, it is likely the article red by Yuki has been peer-reviewed because this is part of a Medicine journal and it is a general standard for articles in journals to be reviewed. Also, this is not a requirement for articles published in regular magazines such as Tasty Food magazine.
Skeletal muscles are CELLS formed by skeletal muscle tissue, and the tissue is made up of skeletal muscle ORGANS. Hope that helps :)
mRNA is a complimentary copy of a DNA segment (gene) and consequently can be used to deduce the gene sequence. For converting a sequence from mRNA to the original DNA code, apply the rules of complementary base pairing: Cytosine (C) is replaced with Guanine (G) – and vice versa. Uracil (U) is replaced by Adenine (A).
The codon is the three nucleotide sequence in the mRNA that indicates which amino acid should be incorporated in the growing polypeptide chain. The anticodon is the complementary three nucleotide sequence in the appropriate tRNA.
I don't know witch definition you mean, but here: https://www.google.com/search?q=google+dictionary&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS871US871&oq=google+dic&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l6.3972j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#dobs=blowout