different time horizon
The time horizon is a certain time when a planned event/process expected to be finished. A different department can have different considerations/priorities when making the ideal time horizon. In this case, the marketing team wants the product released faster(in the first quarter) to capture market share as the main consideration. But the production team who responsible for the product quality wants more time to develop the product.
allowance for uncollectible accounts
The cash budget represents the cash inflow and cash outflow position with respect of cash receipts and cash payments i.e cash disbursement plus it also involves financing needs i.e how much amount is to be borrowed
But it does not involve the allowance for uncollectible accounts as it is not shown in the cash budget because it is shown under the debtors side with the negative amount of the balance sheet
Current Assets
Account receivable XXXXX
Less: Allowance for uncollectible accounts XXXXX
Net account receivable XXXXX
In order to calculate the depreciation using the double declining balance method you must first calculate the amount of depreciate using the straight line method. After you calculate it by the straight line method, you simply need to double it for this this problem.
The original price is $20,000, and then subtract the $2,000 estimated trade in value and the answer is $18,000. This is the amount that you need to depreciate.
Straight line method: $18,000 divided by the 5 year useful life = $3,600 per year.
Double declining balance = $3,600 x2 = $7,200 per year depreciation.
Year Depreciation Amount
1 7,200
2 7,200
3. 3,600
C. $12 billion.
GDP refers to the Gross domestic product. It means that the market value of all final goods and services produced within the country.
Since in the question the GDP reported in quarter 3 was $12 billion and the same is to be considered as a GDP because it reflected the market value of all final goods and services
Therefore, the correct option is c.