colorblidness is carried on the X cromasome. since it is resessive it can be covered up. woman have 2 X cromasomes so both have to have it or she wont be color blind. men only have one X cromasome so its more likely that their just one X can have it
Definition of monocot
: a chiefly herbaceous angiospermous plant (such as a grass, lily, or palm) having an embryo with a single cotyledon, usually parallel-veined leaves, and floral organs arranged in multiples of three : monocotyledon Monocots account for a quarter of all flowering plants.
Electric field is a vector quantity whose direction is defined as the direction that a positive test charge would be pushed when placed in the field. Thus, the electric field direction about a positive source charge is always directed away from the positive source.
DNA polymerase is an enzyme with a specific active site complementary to the 3' OH end of the DNA strand in terms of charge, size, orientation and shape thus can only bind to 3' end and cannot bind to 5' end for replication to occur