When author's remark about a certain pair of boots, Mr Gessler surprisingly looked at him for a time to withdrew or qualify his statement. After that, he asked the author to get the pair back and if he could do nothing of them then he would take them off his bill.
We as people struggle every day, with many obstacles and challenges getting in our way everyday.One being keeping a family happy as that can be a challenge to some.There can also be the struggle of how financially stable you are as a large chunk of America's population is in poverty.Depression is a big life struggle as not many people can handle being put down by what is thrown at them.
idk I'm only 17 :/
i tried
ONo I have not told Laura about the surprise!
because ONo is an interjection that displays a strong feeling or emotions
Moshe<span> is a poor Jew who lives in Sighet. He is deported before the rest of the Sighet Jews but escapes and returns to tell the town what the Nazis are doing to the Jews. Tragically, the community takes </span>Moshe<span> for a lunatic.</span>