Reducing risk
The two ways by which risk can be managed are;
✓ Risk avoidance
✓ risk reduction
risk reduction are activities needed to bring about lower likelihood of risk as well as severity of loss. We can reduce risk through reduction of allocation of our resources to risky situation. An example of reducing risk is in the instance of Financial markets that are making the process of borrowing large amounts of money easier because they simplify the negotiation process between borrowers and lenders.
Answer: Partnership
A partnership is a from of business ownership who come together with mutual consent in order to manage the business and share its profits.
The terms and conditions of this agreement and the quantum of profit for each partner is clearly stated in a document called the partnership agreement.
All the partners who actively manage the business and share the profits are called General Partners. The general partners are jointly and severally liable for the debts incurred by the partnership.
1. True
Separation of record keeping for assets from custody over assets in custody over assets reduces theft and fraud . except in a case of collusion.
Fraud and theft of assets can be easily perpetrated and covered up when an individual combines the role.
2. False
Internal control focuses more on the internal operation of an organization rather than the external. Even though it can still be of impact in checking the excesses of external parties like the government agencies , but that is not its primary objective
Internal control's main objectives can be best accomplished when there is an operational system with managerial policies that protect waste , fraud and theft , being the major factors targeted to control
Separating the responsibility for a transaction between two or more individuals or departments is a major way of preventing creation of fictitious invoices and payment as it could have easily be detected if different individuals are involved in approval and payment of invoices.
C) $57,000
The gross domestic product is the total production of final and legal goods and services in an economy.
total production of final goods = (20 couches x $2,600 per couch) + (5 leather sets x $1,000 per set) = $52,000 + $5,000 = $57,000
the leather sets are considered final products since they are part of the ending inventory of Cowhide, Inc.
If they have alot of money then it might be hard for them to save because they have enough or if they dont have alot of money then they just wanna have alot of items i do that sometimes☺