As a general rule of thumb the standard of living and definition of poverty is much nicer in developed as opposed to developing countries
Archaeologists have studied many of the ancient cities of the Mayans such as Tikal, Calakmul and Copan. They studied the glyphs left
c. difficult
According to Thomas and Chess, there are three types of temperament in child i.e. slow-to-warm-up, easy and, difficult.
The slow to warm up child is quite negative, exhibits a low potency of mood, and shows low adjust-ability.
The easy child adjust easily to new experiences, normally have a positive mood, easily begin regular routines in infancy.
The difficult child cry very often and react negatively, as well as slow in adjusting to new experiences
b. motivate students by calling their attention to their own progress over time, and to the links between effort and outcome
Motivation can come in different ways. Mr Lupez asked the students to keep a study log and a log of their homework because he wants them to continue viewing their progress over a period of time. This is a motivation technique as it relates to the students because students seeing that they are progressing would want to put more efforts into making sure that they continue to improve.
It means that Japan's industry required are big sum of money and financial ressources to produce their goods.