<span>Great Britain, Africa, New England, Virginia, and North Central.</span>
Step 1
The House of Representatives holds a few hearings, then they vote to impeach the President. If the House of Representatives votes in favor, by a majority, the House sends Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.
Step 2
The Senate starts a trial of the President to decide if the President is guilty of the crimes charge in the Articles of Impeachment. If 2/3 of the Senate votes to accept any Article of Impeachment, the President is automatically removed from office and the vice president takes his place as the new president.
*So far, no president has been impeached.
Nepal has undergone and is consistently undergoing changes in its governance, and structure of society for which it has lead to frequent changes in the constitution.
The Government of Nepal act 1948, was changed because there were no democratic rights in the Constitution.
The first democratic constitution enacted in the year 1959 was scrapped by the King of Nepal because he felt that the constitution is trying to reduce his powers.
The next constitution enacted in 1962 was scrapped after a short period of time because it was an anti democratic constitution.
In the year 1990 the King of Nepal used the constitution for selfish needs.
c. would create a negative self-fulfilling prophecy
Douglas McGregor was an industrial psychologist, which in his theory analyzed how a negative vision (lack of responsibility, tendency to work as little as possible, low motivation, etc.) would imply a management style of authoritarian and controlling nature, tending to correct with a control external the low involvement of workers.