Number of weeks in a year = 52 weeks
If in a normal year when each package of flea treatment lasts for 4 weeks, then in a year there Jim's dog will have to be treated for
Where as, when the fleas are bad in a year, the treatment lasts for only 3 weeks.
Then in a year Jim's dog would get
So Jim's dog will get 17- 13 =4 treatments more.
4 treatments that are made in 3 weeks each will be 4×3 =12 weeks more treatment
When you divide 1/12 with long division, you get 0.08333...
The 3s keep going forever, and they never end.
Turn off battery supply → The electromagnet turns off.
Place a magnet care inside the coil of wire → The strength of the electromagnet increases.
Change the direction in which the current flows → The poles of the electromagnet reverses
Unknown factor is multiplication and then quotient is division