NAT provides some security but allows a firm to have more internal IP addresses
NAT ( network address translation) this is a process where a network system usually a firewall assigns a public IP address to an internal computer used in a private network. it limits the number of public IP address a company operating a private network for its computer can have and this is very economical also limits the exposure of the company's private network of computers. the computers can access information within the private network using multiple IP addresses but it is safer to access external information using one public IP address
The correct answer is ASK which denotes Amplitude Shift Keying. This is essentially a type of amplitude modulation which represents the binary data that comes varied forms right in the amplitude of a signal.
Now the reason why It is the most susceptible technique to noise is due to the fact that between frequency, phase & amplitude, amplitude is the one that is most susceptible to being affected by noise when compared to the other two.
class studentType: public personType
virtual void print() = 0;
virtual void calculateGPA() = 0;
void setID(long id) {
studentId = id;
void setCourses(const string c[], int noOfC) {
noOfCourses = noOfC;
for (int i=0; i<noOfCourses; i++) {
courses[i] = c[i];
void setGrades(const char cG[], int noOfC) {
noOfCourses = noOfC;
for (int i=0; i<noOfCourses; i++) {
coursesGrade[i] = cG[i];
long getID() {
return studentId;
string* getCourses() {
return courses;
char* getGrades() {
return coursesGrade;
studentType(string fName = "", string lastName = "",
long id = 0, string c[] = NULL, char cG[] = NULL, int noOfC = 0);
long studentId;
string courses[6];
char coursesGrade[6];
int noOfCourses;
Code rewritten
It is bit { measurement used to quantify computer data. }
It is the notional environment in which communication over computer networks occurs.