Mc Whorter believes that texting “degradates written language” because he deliberates that texting is not really a written language. He also adds that texting bear a resemblance to spoken language due to the fact that it evades punctuation and capitalization. It has a tendency to to be looser and telegraphic, as well as less reflective.
Luara pesaba 2,88 kg al nacer.
Para averiguar el peso de Laura lo que debemos hacer es convertir los 630 g a kg y luego sumar ese resultado a los 2,25 kg que pesaba Juan.
Para saber cuántos kilogramos son 630g debemos hacer una regla de 3 simple teniendo en cuenta que 1kg equivale a 1000 g.
<u>630g x 1k</u> = 0,63kg
2,25kg + 0,63kg= 2,88kg
Stanley Milgram showed that individuals will cause other individuals harm if ordered by others and if they don't have a direct contact with those other people, but are separated by technology.
In his experiment, people thought they are applying electric shocks to other participant under the orders of the experimenters and most of the participants did not refuse to administer those shocks.