In guiding and regulating interaction, social rules give behavior recognizable, characteristic patterns, and make such patterns understandable and meaningful for those who share in the rule knowledge.
<em>Impression management</em>
<em>Impression management:</em> The term "impression management" is defined as an individual's subconscious or a conscious phenomenon that makes him or her to influence or agree the other person's perspective regarding any other individual, event, or object via controlling and regulating a piece of information in any social gathering or interaction.
<em>Erving Goffman</em> has introduced the term "impression management" because of an individual's desire or wants to manipulate the other person's impression.
<em>In reference to the question, John's behavior is an example of impression management.</em>
Didn't let me send text so here is a png hope i hellpled
Canada Immigration benefits are numerous and they are sure to make a positive difference in the living standards of any individual or family. The benefits include having access to a safe and clean environment, a well-developed public transport system, healthcare, education, and good working conditions.