It is a controlled experiment as everything is the same apart from one variable
Over use of plastic have an amazing day!
Each villus, in turn, has thousands of even smaller projections called microvilli (singular: microvillus).
The villi contain capillaries, which are tiny blood vessels. Nutrients are absorbed into these capillaries across the surfaces of the villi and microvilli. Because there are millions of these tiny projections, they greatly increase the surface area for absorption.
Podemos suponer que este estudiante tiene insuficiencia de la hormona de crecimiento (somatotropina) que la secreta la glándula hipófisis y se encuentra en la base del cerebro. Esta hormona no ingresa a las células en su mecanismo de acción por ser peptídica o no esteroidea.
En este caso presentado se encuentra una situación diferente a lo que sucede en el gigantismo: hay un problema hormonal en donde la hormona de crecimiento es secretada de manera excesiva. Recibe el nombre de acromegalia cuando sucede después del cierre de la epífisis del hueso, luego de la edad de crecimiento.
The correct answer is - 1) inverted pyramid, with a narrow base representing a small number of young individuals.
The populations that are decreasing are usually population in countries that are highly developed. The conditions for living are excellent, the medical care on high level, life expectancy very high, but the birth rates very low.
In this type of conditions, there's smaller and smaller number of young individuals, with the middle aged population being much bigger, and the older population being constantly on the rise. This will give the age-structure histogram a reverse shape than what it is supposed to have, it will be similar in appearance like a inverted pyramid, meaning that the population is aging and that it will be constantly on a decline in the future.