The coupon value is 1000 × 7% = $70
Face Value is $1000
Current price is annual ÷ current yield ∵ 70÷0.0574= $1,219.54
Maturity period: 12 years
YTM of Bond = (70+((1000-1,219.54 / 12)) / ((1000+1,219.54)/ 2) = 4.66 percent
The coupon value is 1000 × 7% = $70
Face Value is $1000
Current price is annual ÷ current yield ∵ 70÷0.0574= $1,219.54
Maturity period: 12 years
YTM of Bond = (70+((1000-1,219.54 / 12)) / ((1000+1,219.54)/ 2) = 4.66 percent