Answer: Option E --
amount of sexual dimorphism
Explanation: The different between New World Monkeys and Old world Monkeys in terms of traits are geographic location as New World Monkeys are found in South America while Old World monkeys live in Africa, on the red sea coast of Arabia, and in Asia; prehensile ability of their tail ; showing of estrus and stereoscopic vision, but amount of sexual dimorphism doesn't differentiate them.
Answer: A. Believing that something is true does not make it true
Explanation: In a psychology context, Smedslund defines common sense as "the system of implications shared by the competent users of a language" and notes, "A proposition in a given context belongs to common sense if and only if all competent users of the language involved agree that the proposition in the given context is true and that its negation is false.
d. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD is an anxiety disorder in which people have perpetual unpleasant thoughts that fully occupy them and lead to a need to repeat different action multiple times. For instance washing hands. That affects their life a lot and productivity, also mental state as they are anxious that they didn't do something good enough which cause doing numerous checkings in order to be sure that the specific thing is done. In the given situation, Chuan has OCD which leads to constantly going back to the first ten questions and checking if he marked them right. Also there is a consequence - he didn't have time to complete the whole test.
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Power sharing helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between social groups. Power sharing is a good way to ensure the stability of political order as social conflict often leads to violence and political instability