Because of being a tonic clonic seizure, the doctor must maintain her airway with manual positioning, rapidly suction her trachea and oesophagus for any vomitus particle, a bypass nasopharyngeal tube should be inserted to increase the ventilation and addition high flow moist oxygen should be given.
Option B
A tonic clonic seizure is a type of normal body seizure that occurs due to some organ inefficiency like cardiac arrest, or Ischeamic Heart Disease. In the case of this woman, the woman was having the Clonic Tonic seizure along with a vomitus which clearly represents she had a cardiac arrest.
Clonic tonic seizures have different patterns than epileptic seizures. So no bite block is required between teeth as in epileptic one. As a first aid to the situation, the doctor needs to suction the airway as well as pharynx to prevent aspiration of any particle from vomitus. Cleaning of the mouth and correct placement of the head is required as a correct measure of ventilation. And for additional ventilation, a nasopharyngeal tube is inserted through nose and moist oxygen is run through the tube until the person stops having seizures.