Five hundred and eight thousand three hundred and seventy two
The measure is 30° degrees
You just plug in the -2 for x to get the equation -2^2–3•-2+4= 6
tu debes de saber por qué si yo lo sé tú también no es verdad
A = 8i + 6j
b = 4i + 5j
ab = (8i + 6j)(4i + 5j)
ab = 8i(4i + 5j) + 6j(4i + 5j)
ab = 8i(4i) + 8i(5j) + 6j(4i) + 6j(5j)
ab = 32i² + 40ij + 24ij + 30j²
ab = 32i² + 64ij + 30j²
ab = <32, 30>
The answer is D.