soil, rock, organic layer
Permeability is the ability of a layer of rock to transmit fluid such as oil or water
The factors that affect the permeability of a rock layer includes the sizes of the rock particles, the ratio of the available voids to the solid mass of the rock, the presence of trapped air and the presence of organic matter
Rocks such as gravels, and sparingly cemented sands have high permeability
The most impermeable of the options are granite and clay which for granite has large particle mass and contain no voids while clay has very fine particles packed together with little room for water
Therefore, water moves easily between layers soil, rock, organic layer
The biosphere. This is the layer that contains all life on the planet.
A smaller person would have a lower metabolism rate than a taller person.
A long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance. Undersea earthquakes, which typically occur at boundaries between Earth's tectonic plates, cause the water above to be moved up or down. Tsunami waves are formed as the displaced water, which acts under the influence of gravity, attempts to find a stable position again.
If Lorenzo would quit smoking,reduce his intake of alcohol and improve his healthy eating behaviors and also increasing his physical activity it would mean his lifestyle changes would then increase telomerase activity. Increase telomerase is one way of the body to deal with stress and for the protection of DNA from destruction.