To support his argument, Reagan cites <span>the increase in the rate of inflation (inflation is when prices go up, which is a result of an increase in consumer demand) as well as </span><span>the number of jobs lost (or the unemployment rate). </span>
It is when there is shortage of food and items
This occurs when the nation likes importing goods from other countries making those countries rich in foreign exchange.
<span>2) limit the rights of freedmen</span>
The first prisoners were brought to Andersonville in late February 1864. During the next few months, approximately 400 more arrived each day. By the end of June, 26,000 men were penned in an area originally meant for only 10,000 prisoners. The largest number held at any one time was more than 33,000 in August 1864. The Confederate government could not provide adequate housing, food, clothing or medical care to their Federal captives because of deteriorating economic conditions in the South, a poor transportation system, and the desperate need of the Confederate army for food and supplies. hope this helps