A <u><em>receptor</em></u> is a protein that recognizes and responds to a signal.
A receptor is a protein molecule present on the cells on which the signalling molecules can bind and generate a physiological response. Some receptor molecules can also respond to Sun and light. Each type of cell has specific receptors molecules and hence can respond to specific signals. The receptor molecules hence tend to receive signals for a cell. Molecules such as hormones bind to the receptors.
Answer: This is called chlorine
Explanation: 18
Domestic dogs, cheetahs, alpine plants
Because blonde hair is recessive, the only way for blonde hair to show in a child is if they have both recessive alleles.
The most vocal reptile ARE THE CROCODILES.
Crocodiles use different types of calls, smells and water behavior to communicate with one another. Scientists have discovered that some species of crocodiles can pass across up to twenty messages using sound alone. The sounds made can be used to signify threat, distress or it can be used to attract others for courtship purpose. Crocodiles also communicate through smells and through water behaviors.