Positive and negative interactions greatly affect participation in a physical activity. For positive interactions, it encourages participants to have physical activity thus having physical function. Companionship with friends also is a positive effect especially with adolescents. On the other hand, negative attitude would mean the participant would not exert any effort in participating any activity.
Emotional disability.
An emotional is an emotional disability characterized by the following:
An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and/or teachers. For preschool-age children, this would include other care providers.
An inability to learn which cannot be adequately explained by intellectual, sensory or health factors.
Consistent or chronic inappropriate type of behavior or feelings under normal conditions.
Displayed pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression.
Displayed tendency to develop physical symptoms, pains or unreasonable fears associated with personal or school problems.
The pressure exerted by the sharp knife edge is more than that exerted by the blunt one because the area on which force is exerted with a sharp knife is very small.So blunt knife cannot cut the vegetables properly.
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