monohybrid crossdihybrid crosshomozygous crossheterozygous cross The term which describes the mating of organisms that have different homozogous alleles for a single trait is monohybrid cross . The 'mono' refers to the singular trait while 'hybrid' refers to the crossing of two different parents.
Answer:C insertion of C at the start of the sequence
The Earth has got its tilted axis and this is the reason for different seasons to be formed. Communities are a set of population found in that particular area and are of two types.
A) Terrestrial (Land)
B) Aquatic (Water).
These communities to flourish need a perfect environment with a perfect season. Hence according to the season formed due to the tilted axis influences the terrestrial community which forms in that particular region and have the ability for the region specific community growth.
The terrestrial community of a tundra or desert or rain forest all depends on the particular season that can be formed due to the position of the earth facing the sun.
The squirrel, robin, and field mouse
A producer is what gets its energy directly from the sun (usually a plant) and the squirrel, robin, and field mouse all eat the plant seeds, which get energy from the sun .