Proxima Centauri is 2.478 x 10¹³ miles from Sun.
Distance of Proxima Centauri to sun = 4.24 light years
1 light year = 5.9 x 10¹² miles.
Distance of Proxima Centauri to sun in miles = Distance in light years x 5.9 x 10¹² miles
So, Distance of Proxima Centauri to sun in miles = 4.2 x 5.9 x 10¹² miles
= 2.478 x 10¹³ miles
So Proxima Centauri is 2.478 x 10¹³ miles from Sun.
1/10 lbs are left
2 1/2 5/10
+2 3/5 6/10
4. 11/10-10/10 =. 5 1/10 -5= 1/10
-3--5=2. z^7
Since both have the same exponent
work is shown and pictured
Just sum the power and multiply the constants