This question can have both answers that is yes as well as no.
1.Yes, it can serve as an editor who completes your content and ensures it will read well to others.
2. No, the editor should have tracked changes which would have shown you where they would apply recommended edits.
Microsoft word online uses “Proofing Tools”, it can check spelling and grammar, translate the document, and set the proofing language. Word for the web does not use a custom dictionary or include a thesaurus.
Referencial Integrity Contraint
The referential integrity constraint states that the customer ID i.e (CustID) in the Order table must match a valid CustID in the Customer table. Most relational databases have declarative referential integrity. That is to say, when the tables are created the referential integrity constraints are set up so as to maintain the quality of information.
B. With. Width isn't a boolean comparative operator
are visible to others may already have been shared