C. rating scale test.
In a rating scale test, respondents are asked by researchers to rate either their products, services, or work on a scale, say one to ten. This type of test is used by researchers when they want respondents to place value on the features,products,service as contained in the questionnaire.
This type of test is also used to assess performance of employees, products,services etc inorder to achieve a particular goal.
Rating scale is also used to get more information about comparisons between two values hence an important survey method.
1. Choice (a) is correct. In a real-life labor union strikes, it usually begins with a notice of strike to be sent to an employer within 60 days known as the cooling-off period. Then, labor unions' strikes begin. If they feel that they are ignored by the employer, then picketing happens. Labor unions carry signs and other rally paraphernalia in the premises of the employer informing the public about their sentiments towards the employer. In this case, the employer will ask the labor union to reach an agreement through collective bargaining agreement.
2. Choice (a) is correct. The management has three tools to use in case of disagreement. These are an injunction, lockout, and hiring replacement workers. An injunction is a judicial order telling the person from doing so. A lockout is a temporary work stoppage or denial of employment. Hiring replacement workers simply mean looking for another competent worker that can do the job of the vacated position.
Answer: Option (C) is correct.
Given that,
Old market price of stock = $15
New market price of stock = $18
Here, we assume that EPS be $5.
Price-earning ratio at old price = 
= 3
Price-earning ratio at New price = 
= 3.6
Hence, price-earnings ratio increases.
A checking account is what you would use to make everyday purchases, and what you usually put the majority of your check into. Savings accounts are used to save money over periods of time. A percentage of your check may go in a savings account that you don't use.