Water is a liquid. Water is not wet BECAUSE something is only wet when water is on that object.
For example, there is water is a glass cup, and then the glass cup spills onto the table, causing the table to be wet, BUT you can remove that water from the table with some paper towels or a rag. Therefore, the table is no longer wet. Or when you're out in the rain and it gets on your clothes and/or hair, then your clothes and/or hair is WET.
When you put water onto water, it's an addition of water, you don't say it's wet or wetter.
Now, let me further prove my point with a different element: Fire. Fire burns things, right? So, when fire is on an object, then that object is burned. And when you add fire to fire, it causes more fire; fire does not burn itself.
Therefore, water is NOT wet. Wet is an adjective to describe an object that has been touched by a liquid, in this case, water.
So, yeah, enjoy the rest of your day. I'm sure some would like to argue my point. Go ahead.
The immune system lowers the chances of bacteria, viruses, and diseases entering your body
The carbon atom has unique properties that allow it to form covalent bonds to as many as four different atoms, making this versatile element ideal to serve as the basic structural component, or “backbone,” of the macromolecules.
Lots of hand waving as is in the current field of much of molecular biology. Other than that experiments and observations. Basically the utilization of the scientific method and then trying to find the mechanism by which something occurs through even more research/experimentation.