Organisms that live in deciduous forests have developed unique adaptations that aid in their survival. How are the bill and feet
of the platypus specially adapted for survival in their environment? a. close the nostrils in its bill when diving underwater; pointed bill for spearing fish for food; detect vibrations of moving prey using the pads on their feet b. detect the electrical discharges of prey in the sand using small pits on its bill; crush the food with grinding pads on the top and bottom of its bill; webbed feet c. have wide nails for digging burrows; webbed feet; grind food with modified teeth on the upper part of their bill d. detect the electrical discharges of prey in the sand using small pits on its bill; pointed bill for spearing fish for food; ‘finger-like’ toes on their feet that help them hold onto and eat their food
With regards to gender differences in coping strategies, male is to female as fight or flight is to TEND AND BEFRIEND. Men and women have different strategies in coping with stress; men usually exhibit the fight or flight tendency while women exhibit the tend and befriend tendency.
Yes, it is believed that one of the first Greek ancient astronomers, and the first notable Greek philosopher, was Thales, who lived at the beginning of the 6th Century BCE.
Calcium stays in the sarcoplasmic reticulum until discharged by an improvement. Calcium at that point ties to troponin, causing the troponin to change shape and expel the tropomyosin from the coupling destinations. Cross-connect stick proceeds until the calcium particles and ATP are never again accessible.
ATP is basic to get ready myosin for official and to "revive" the myosin.
When the actin-restricting destinations are revealed, the high-vitality myosin head overcomes any issues, framing a cross-connect. When myosin ties to the actin, the Pi is discharged, and the myosin experiences a conformational change to a lower vitality state. As myosin consumes the vitality, it travels through the "power stroke," pulling the actin fiber toward the M-line.