Beans and peas are excellent sources of plant protein and also provide other nutrients such as iron and zinc. Therefore, they are considered part of the Protein Foods Group. ... Therefore, individuals can count beans and peas as either a vegetable or a protein food.
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The correct answer is A. Since the Earth has a tilted angle of 23.5 degrees as it moves around the sun, the amount of sunlight that is received by the hemispheres vary from time to time. This is mainly responsible for the changes in the temperature and daylight hours, which are the indicators of the changes in seasons.
In this case, when one hemisphere of the Earth is tilted toward the sun, it receives more sunlight than the other end. Therefore, this region experiences summer, wherein the daylight is longer and the temperature is warmer
I am not sure about the second one, but I know the first one.
The answer is D.
"An irregular galaxy is a galaxy that does not have a distinct regular shape, unlike a spiral or an elliptical galaxy. Irregular galaxies do not fall into any of the regular classes of the Hubble sequence, and they are often chaotic in appearance, with neither a nuclear bulge nor any trace of spiral arm structure."
Proteins are a macromolecule and protein contains phosphorus atoms
Secondary consumers are organisms that eat primary consumers. so, if they are more secondary consumers then, they would eventually take over all the primary consumers. then, once they eat all the primary consumers that leaves them hungry & they eventually die off. which leaves the next organism in the food chain (tertiary consumers) to have nothing to eat once the secondary consumer dies. so, basically if they are more secondary consumer than, primary it would cause the food chain to corrupt & all the organism to dis