The safest method for diluting
concentrated sulfuric acid with water is to add acid to water. This way, when
spill occurs, the acid is already diluted and less harmful than adding water to
Answer: Option (C) is the correct answer.
Biopower means production of electricity with the help of biomass. The unused wood, crops, agricultural residue, animal residue etc when burned then they help in generating biopower.
It is a renewable energy. Since biomass is readily available in most of the places. Therefore, the advantage of biopower is that it is also readily available in most places.
For example, bacterial decay produces a certain amount of heat which further helps in the production of energy.
The atomic weight of H is 1, O is 16.
There are two of each in a hydrogen peroxide molecule.
The weight of the whole molecule is 34, and hydrogen makes up 2 of that.
The percentage mass of hydrogen in a hydrogen peroxide molecule is 5.88%
The compound NaH2PO4 name is
sodium dihydrogen phosphate
This name is arrived at by using the IUPAC rules of naming compound
1. the metal (sodium)is named first followed by the ligand ( hydrogen and phosphate)
Ligand are molecules that are attached to the metal center.
2. ligand are named using alphabetical order(for our case h for hydrogen come before p for phosphate hence hydrogen is named first)
3. Prefix di is used since hydrogen are two
hence the name of the compound is Sodium dihydrogen phosphate