- The term alcohol is referring to the primary alcohol that is called ethanol or also called ethyl alcohol. It is used as a drug, it can be addictive, and it is the main alcohol present that we can find in alcoholic beverages.
- Depressant has a meaning of drug that can lower neurotransmission levels.
- Intoxication is also called poisoning which is caused especially by alcoholic drinks or also narcotics.
These three terms are connected because alcohol is classified as a depressant of the central nervous system and people can get intoxicated by it.
A. Depressants
B. Hallucinogens
C. Stimulants
D. Club Drugs
E. Performance Drugs
F. Inhalants
G. Opiates
H. Marijuana
Answer: Meta analytical techniques
Meta analytical techniques that combines the result of the multiple scientific studies.Meta-analysis can be performed when there is a need of multiple scientific studies for the same question to get the result.
The meta analysis yields a weighed average of the all the experiments that has been carried out.
This experiment can be defined as the experiments that is being carried out again and again because of some errors in the experiments. The result is performed again and again to conclude the nearest possible result.