The new partial pressures after equilibrium is reestablished for

The new partial pressures after equilibrium is reestablished

The new partial pressures after equilibrium is reestablished for


At equilibrium before adding chlorine gas:
Partial pressure of the 
Partial pressure of the 
Partial pressure of the 
The expression of an equilibrium constant is given by :

At equilibrium after adding chlorine gas:
Partial pressure of the 
Partial pressure of the 
Partial pressure of the 
Total pressure of the system = P = 263.0 Torr

At initail
(13.2) Torr (32.8) Torr (13.2) Torr
At equilbriumm
(13.2-x) Torr (32.8-x) Torr (217.0+x) Torr

Solving for x;
x = 6.402 Torr
The new partial pressures after equilibrium is reestablished for

The new partial pressures after equilibrium is reestablished

The new partial pressures after equilibrium is reestablished for