Azimuthal map projections
The Azimuthal map projections come in a circular shape. They represent the whole world but in a different manner than that of the other map projections. The other map projections tend to have problems with the size of the objects as they get further away from the Equator, but this map projection doesn't have that problem. The Azimuthal map projections actually represent all of the places on Earth with their correct distances from the central point, and they all have their sizes correct proportionally to the scale, thus making an accurate map projection.
Left ventricle
I think the left ventricle is propably superior and broad border of the simply because it pumps blood and other usefull products from the heart to furthest parts of the body
1. The benefits include safer and more efficient nuclear power plants. The kind of energy that is produced is clean with no greenhouse gases and the cost of operating a nuclear power plant is inexpensive. 2.In terms of the disadvantages of uranium, it can have deleterious health effects and can lead to death because of its radioactivity. Radioactive waste is also an additional issue, if it is not disposed of at a safe place and not stored properly, it can leak radiation. Such emissions can last for centuries.
3. It produces no greenhouse gases or other waste and Tides are easily predictable. 4. High tidal power plant construction costs, Negative influence on marine
It’s the second one!!
and the first answer!!