Almost all metals form polycrystals while amorphous single-crystal metals are created synthetically. What this means is that metal crystals are actually many crystals that bonded. This is what polycrystals are and how they are combined with metal crystals.
Answer: Inattentional blindness
Explanation: Simply this phenomenon occurs due to the perceptual preoccupation with certain subjects, in this case white shirts, which is why they do not see certain phenomena, although they are within the field of view of the participants. That is why this blindness is also called perceptual blindness. In other words, participants' perceptions were influenced by being told to focus only on white shirts, and their perception was somehow "directed". Because of this, half of the participants did not see man wearing the black gorilla costume, if he was in some white costume, the participants would probably have seen him.
"She's like a strong tower" is an example of a simile because it uses the word like (as would also work)
If it were a metaphor it would state that "She's a tower" even though she isn't really it just helps to strengthen the image it creates
Personification is when an inanimate object is described with human qualities
A Temporal Investigation of Crash Severity Factors in Worker-Involved Work Zone Crashes: Random Parameters and Machine Learning Approaches:
In the context of work zone safety, worker presence and its impact on crash severity has been less explored. Moreover, there is a lack of research on contributing factors by time-of-day. To accomplish this, first a mixed logit model was used to determine statistically significant crash severity contributing factors and their effects. Significant factors in both models included work-zone-specific characteristics and crash-specific characteristics, where environmental characteristics were only significant in the daytime model. In addition, results from parameter transferability test provided evidence that daytime and nighttime crashes need to be modeled separately. Further, to explore the nonlinear relationship between crash severity levels and time-of-day, as well as compare the effects of variables to that of the logit model and assess prediction performance, a Support Vector Machines (SVM)
What is meant by machine learning approach?
Machine Learning is an AI technique that teaches computers to learn from experience. Machine learning algorithms use computational methods to “learn” information directly from data without relying on a predetermined equation as a model.
Learn more about random parameter approach: