All the stars, spheres and galaxies that can be perceived nowadays
make up just 5 percent of the universe.
The former 95 percent is prepared of stuff stargazers can't see, notice or even
understand. These secretive substances are called dark energy and
dark matter. Experts determine their presence grounded on their gravitational
influence on what little bits of the universe can be perceived.
It all comes to the doppler effect, the red shift means that the galaxy is moving away from us. The redshift is a result from the doppler effect, so as the galaxy moves away the wavelength expands, increasing the wavelength which responds to the red light.
Mass and volume.
The equation for density is always mass divided by volume. To determine the density of a fluid, you would need to find its volume and its mass.
The oven has many different heat sources from the bottom, sides, top, etc...
The microwave only has the sides.