Your while statement is in error
<span>while (wage = 0) assigns 0 to wage.
What you want is to compare wage to 0, ie.:
while (wage == 0).
However, comparing double's to some value is very bad practice due to rounding errors. Much safer is to always have a < or > in there:
while (wage < 0.0001)
If you confuse assignment (=) and comparison (==) often, and you don't have a compiler to warn you for this, you can adopt the coding style to put the constant first:
while(0 == x)</span>
Previous decisions were flawed
An algorithm depends entirely on the data input into the system in the decision making process.
As such, when there are conclusions in the data set used by the algorithm for decision making which are distorted, such as the association of less individuals that drink and drive in the rich cities than can be found in poorer communities due to the presence of less bars uptown and as such drivers from uptown areas are given preference may include a bias that is due to conclusion on which the previous decisions were made and used in the algorithm which may have been flawed or need more detailed analysis
The program to this question can be given as:
factorial=1 #declare a variable.
number=int(input("Enter a positive integer:")) #input a number.
while (number>0): #loop
factorial= factorial*number # holding value in factorial variable
print('=',factorial) #print value.
Enter a positive integer:6
= 720
The description of the above python program can be given as:
- In the above program firstly we define a variable that is "factorial". In this variable, we assign a value that is 1 and it is used to calculate the factorial value.
- We define a variable "number". The number variable is used to take input from the user.
- Then we define a loop in the loop we calculate the factorial and hold the value in the factorial value in the last we print the value.
Black or blue pen would be appropriate.