Answer: ( QUESTION A:)<u> Measles is a childhood infection caused by a virus. Once quite common, measles can now almost always be prevented with a vaccine.</u>
<u>Also called rubeola, measles can be serious and even fatal for small children. While death rates have been falling worldwide as more children receive the measles vaccine, the disease still kills more than 100,000 people a year, most under the age of 5</u>.
(QUESTION B:)<u> </u><u>Measles attacks your body, it goes to war against your white blood cells. Specifically, it binds to your B- and T-cells, then wipes them out. Earlier symptoms come with a high fever, a cough, a runny nose, and itchy, watery eyes. One of the most recognizable effects of measles on the body is the characteristic rash.</u>
~ hope this answered you question correctly, have a gr8 day/night my friend!~
Answer and Explanation:
Mitchell came to accept that coal excavators, and every single working individuals, could acquire a superior and progressively secure life by sorting out trade guilds to address their worries with bosses. Mitchell grew up to wind up one of the most regarded at this point questionable work pioneers in the United States in the mid twentieth century.
The dynamic issues suggested by Mitchell in the given passage are:
- The need to dispense with child labor
- Significance of education
- The idea of a living wage
The symptoms involved in ontogenesis imperfect are- bone breakage, pain in bone, deformation of bones, brittle teeth, coloured tint in the white portion of eyes, loss in hearing and loose joints.
In the disease, ontogenesis imperfect, the strong bone formation in body is prevented by the defective gene that produces collagen protein. People who have the deficiency of collagen by birth, can develop this disease or can have it by birth. This defect can be hereditary.
The symptoms included in this disease are the- deformation and breakage of bones, pain in bone, grey or purple tint in the white portion of the eye, short stature, brittle teeth, hearing impairment and loose joints.
Could you please provide a picture of the table i would be happy to help.