I woulds make a fbook Couldnt say the word for brainly reasons group or a dcord about saving the planet one step at a time and invite loyal people that i trust to help me and if i see some trash somewhere pick it up and throw it away and leftovers i would microwave and go and feed the homeless people in the world who cannot afford the mfood money so they would have a full stomach because lets be honest who really eats left overs NOBODY they just sit in the fridge for a week until you see them and throw them out make a good use for it and feed people in need of the food!
U gotta search all that up
<em>Object Permanence</em>
Object permanence is used to <em>explain the tendency of an infant to recognize that objects still exist, although they can not be seen or heard any longer.</em>
Whenever an item gets hidden from sight, infants within a certain age are often get upset that the item has disappeared.
Jordan thinks that her pacifier has disappeared.
This is because they're too young to really understand that although the object can not be seen, it still exists.
Independence-ignore script
Independence-ignore script is a type of interaction in which elder's independent behaviors are mostly ignored and, as a result, occur less often. Sean ignores the handling of Maribeth self care and household tasks so, causing her to be independent. and focuses on other things.