Hypertensive emergency.
It is a condition that is characterized by extremely high blood pressure. It can be very dangerous, sometimes even deadly. Some of the signs: chest pain that doesn’t seem to stop anytime soon, bad migraines and headaches, followed by confusion and vision impairment. Sometimes a person is nauseous and is vomiting. Lungs don’t function well and it leads to short breaths. Sometimes seizures occur and it’s not rare that a person is unresponsive. This condition damages many organs and it must be treated.
It's simple you just have to pick up you weight (W) and you height (H) but
Weight in kilo gram (kg)
Height in meters (m)
for an example a person that weight is 100 kg and height is 1.80m
Using this formula
The work of public health professionals is important because public health initiatives affect people every day in every part of the world. It addresses broad issues that can affect the health and well-being of individuals, families, communities, populations, and societies—both now, and for generations to come.