Convection occurs through heat transfer due to a difference in density in the fluids.
Consider a pot of water being heated. The water in the pot gets heated rises ,it provides energy for the particles in the water to move and thus the water expands which results in the density of the water becoming less. These particles rise up till the top of the pot owing to the property of very less density of the particles.
Then after some time, it cools down which results in increase of the density of the particles. The heavier denser particles sink to the bottom and is once again heated and rises and this process continues unless all the water particles in the pot are heated and warmed.This transfer of energy by the movement of particles cause convection.
During the day the heat surface above the earth exposed to the sun's rays is heated. This rise in temperature,decreases the density of the air and the warm air rises.
This air cools down and becomes denser. This dense cool air sink back and forces the warm air to rise again.
This transfer of movement of particles causes convection. This cycle is the cause of winds and thus energy is transferred through the atmosphere.
John Deere created steel plow
Hello There!
All life on Earth exists in a region called the biosphere.
The biosphere is known as the global sum of all ecosystems. It's called the "zone of life"
I don’t know really really I don’t know

It is given that, a proton moves at constant velocity, through a region in which there is an electric field and a magnetic field such that,
The electric field is, E = 800 V/m
Magnetic field, B = 0.25 T
We know that the net force in the region of magnetic and electric field is given by Lorentz forces. But here, the proton moves with constant velocity. So, the net force acting on it is 0.

Hence, this is the required solution.