a good situation would be when you get a car you ask your family you dont just get a car then when you want to buy a house you ask someone or the little things like asking someone should i ge this shirt or this dress most things we do in live is good to seek a second opinion because then we get to see if they like it or not
O air-filled cavities that secrete mucus to keep the nose moist and remove bacteria.
Well chicken helps your muscles , lemon helps clean your body,potatoes I don’t know and avocado is a type of vegetable so is healthy so I think chicken or lemon
The zimmers
The zimmer are retired so they will most likely have the least amount of stress.
The Gordons have their first baby so they are most likely the most stressed.
The Watsons have two children but they are older so they are more independent.
The phillips have no children but they are both employed. Their jobs could stress them out but they have no children so their levels of stress are lower or tied with the watsons