Check the explanation
arrow_base_height = int(input('Enter arrow base height:\n'))
arrow_base_width = int(input('Enter arrow base width:\n'))
arrow_head_width = arrow_base_width
while arrow_head_width <= arrow_base_width:
arrow_head_width = int(input('Enter arrow head width:\n'))
for i in range(arrow_base_height):
for j in range(arrow_base_width):
print('*', end='')
for i in range(arrow_head_width):
for j in range(arrow_head_width-i):
print('*', end='')
Kindly check the code output below.
steve is happy today but he wasn't yesterday
Federal agencies will be able to disseminate information to large local communitie
the headquarter of National weather service is responsible for to coordinate weather related warnings to organisations to ensure compatibility and effectiveness of weather services and provide public protection and safety.
National Weather service entered in the new erra of innovation with use of technology they will be able to disseminate information to large local communitie
suppose i was i would tell them i dont know and walk away
in thoery this is correct
you said suppose so i answerd
there is no use in reporting or getting this taken down
nether is it right
im not stealing points
Because in thoery its an answer
<em><u>THIS IS MY PROTEST</u></em>
A hardware and software support technician
If you provide your own web server, you also need <em>hardware and software support technicians</em> who will configure, manage, maintain and handle failures.
<em>A Web development team</em> is needed either you own your server or you are on cloud.
<em>The flexible subscription fee that varies upon the resources used </em>is an option in cloud.
<em>The market</em> does not response directly to the decision of server hosting