b.Experience-rating plan
Experience rating is a method of evaluating used by insurance providers to adjust premiums up or down. The rating reflects your previous loss experience. It is based on the presumption that your historical loss experience predicts your future loss experience. In other words, your future losses are likely to be similar to those you incurred in the past. The Experience Rating Plan is mandatory for all eligible insureds. Any action taken in any form to evade the application of an experience modification determined in accordance with this Plan is prohibited. The object of the Experience Rating Plan is to recognize the differences between individual insureds through the use of the individual insured's own loss experience. The experience rating process serves as a means of using a history of past losses to predict the future losses of an insured.
This is done by comparing the experience of an individual insured to the average insured in the same classification. Therefore, using the insured's past experience, the experience modification is determined by comparing the actual losses to expected losses. An insured with better than average experience will produce a credit experience modification factor, while an insured with worse than average experience will produce a debit experience modification factor. A credit experience modification factor, less than 1.00, results in a premium reduction. A debit experience modification factor, greater than 1.00, results in a premium increase. An experience modification factor of 1.00, or unity, does not change premium.
Multiple choice organizations can use socialisation tactics to promote ethical behavior.
Among the options enlisted, using socialisation tactics to promote ethical behavior is the most correct as a basis for establishing organizational socialization research.
Organizational socialization basically involves the procedures an organization and/or individual undergo to acquire necessary skills, attitudes, right conducts and behaviors to become in order to become more productive. Going by the foregoing, it can be established that the singular objective of organizational socialization is on how an organization will be the best of itself ethically and/or otherwise. The procedures ensure an all rounded look into organizational and/or individuals experience from the kick off to the eventual exit. The socialization aspect is critical as organization well being is a function of how ethically and morally sound the environment.
Hence, promoting ethical behavior using multiple choice organizations is the most critical and true about applying organization socialization research.
Option B - There are significant diseconomies of scope is the correct answer.
Option A is, not a condition that could improve the probability that the justice department would approve the merger.
The Herfindahl-Hirschman index is based on a restricted definition of the product market or the impact of foreign competition, the merger might be allowed.
It might also be permitted if one of the firms is in financial trouble, or if significant economies of scale exist in the industry.
Significant diseconomies of scope would only serve to make the merger less likely to be accepted.
Therefore, option B is the correct answer.
The correct answer is False.
This statement is false, since the residual theory of dividends argues that these are irrelevant, that is, that the value of the company is not affected by its dividend policy. The main drivers of this theory are Modigliani and Miller. Both authors affirm that the value of the company is determined solely by the profitability and the degree of risk of its assets (investments), and that the way in which the organization divides its income between dividends and reinvestment does not have a direct effect on its value .
However, some studies show that significant changes in dividends affect the price of shares in the same direction, that is, increases in dividends translate into increases in stock prices, and vice versa. In response, M and M propose that the positive effects of dividend increases be attributed, not to the dividend itself, but to the informational content of dividends with respect to future income. Thus, any increase in dividends would cause investors to raise the price of the shares, while a decrease would cause a corresponding decrease in the price of the shares.
A factory is any place where goods are produced or distributed or services are produced.