As a research participant, you study this list of words: curtain, book, anger, dirt, plant, hunger, paper, sadness, sunshine, mu
e-lub [12.9K]
The doctor said I would have a hard time remembering the sequence
For the answer to the question above,
Well, I believe the answer on your question is 3 parts.
1. Part A is attached to the detainee in order to restrict detainee's movement, could be made from any type of durable material.
2. The Part B is retained by the capturing unit and maintained in the unit's records lastly.
3. The Part C is attached to the tools/belongings confiscated from the detainee, so it could be matched later.
Canals are also used to transport water for irrigation and other human uses. In California the water supply situation has been relatively unstable
The removal of her ovaries has caused the decrease in interest in sexual activities. Ovaries are the most important part of a female's reproductive system. These produce hormones such as estrogen which is the female's sex hormone. This causes a woman's drive to feel sexually attracted to her partner. Without the production of estrogen in the body, a decrease in interest sexually is experienced.