It would be Joules.
Workdone is measured in Joules.
Workdone = Force * distance
Force = mass * acceleration
= kg * ms⁻²
= kgms⁻²
Distance = m
So, Force * distance
kgms⁻² * m
Apply laws of indices that says
x² * x³ = x²⁺³ = x⁵
Therefore, It would be kgm²s⁻²
m¹ * m¹ = m¹⁺¹ = m²
s⁻² is also = s / 2
Law 1. A body continues in its state of rest, or in uniform motion in a straight line, unless acted upon by a force.
Law 2. A body acted upon by a force moves in such a manner that the time rate of change of momentum equals the force.
Law 3. If two bodies exert forces on each other, these forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
The electric field strength of a point charge is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the charge ... a lot like gravity.
If the magnitude of the field is (2E) at the distance 'd', then at the distance '2d', it'll be (2E)/(2²). That's (2E)/4 = 0.5E .
The formulas are-