Movement of water through a plasma membrane from a low to high solute concentration.
the Sun
The Moon gets its light from the Sun. In the same way that the Sun illuminates Earth, the Moon reflects the Sun's light, making it appear bright in our sky.
Los dasipódidos (Dasypodidae), conocidos comúnmente como armadillos, son una familia de mamíferos placentarios del orden Cingulata. Se caracterizan por poseer un caparazón dorsal formado por placas yuxtapuestas, ordenadas por lo general en filas transversales, con cola bastante larga y extremidades cortas.
The answer to these questions are the following:
1. sucrose solution (higher concentration of water molecules in the onion cells) >> red onion cells will shrink >> smaller diameter
2. distilled water (higher concentration of water molecules in the surrounding solution) >> red onion cells will become turgid >> higher diameter
Osmosis refers to the movement of a solvent (usually water molecules) across semipermeable biological membranes, which occurs from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. There are three classes of solutions that have different effects on cells due to the process of osmosis:
1. In a hypotonic solution, the cells will become turgid
2. In an isotonic solution, the cells will become flaccid.
3. In a hypertonic solution, the cells will shrink (plasmolysis)
When plant cells are placed into a hypertonic solution where there is a greater concentration of solute outside the cells (as in this case sucrose solution), water molecules will move from inside the cells to outside the cells, thereby cells will shrink due to water loss
When plant cells are placed into a hypotonic solution that is diluted in comparison to the content of the cell (as in this case plant cells placed in distilled water) water molecules will move from outside the cells to inside the cells, thereby cells will become turgid.
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Anaerobic respiration in yeast (Saccharomyces cervisae) is also called alcoholic fermentation
Ethanol can be used as a disinfectant.
Ethanol can also be present in beverages.