xgxhemekdgfndjdvdxgdhhddhdijdjshhgghg ft fjfjjt5njycjf7k n in gjxydjydjydydjydkyjjjjjjjkkooiujjy7v:fď v"dgggfgdjdhdhddhjdhjdjddjjdhddhhffhhdhdjdhdhdhfhdjdjdhddcbxjxbvxbxbdbdbdbxbxvdvdvfvfvfvvvddvdfbbfbbfhbdbdbdbdbdhddhdfuudduuddjudhdfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfh hfhfhfhdhdhf hdhdhdhdhddhdh fhhfdhhdhdfhfy ydydydy. yeyeyeyey
No, I think because everyone has a cell that looks the same only if the person isn't sick therefore they would have a lack of some vitamin.
Well, on one hand, this is a good thing as negative effects of the high demand for wood such as deforestation can be minimised. This will also sustain the supply of wood for several applications. However, there could be negative consequences of propagating such genetically-modified trees, which were not stated or are not yet known. For instance, the trees could be extreme soil nutrient consumers—depleting soil nutrients at a faster rate than they can be replenished and rendering such soil infertile in a short period.
recognizes a hormone’s chemical structure
In living systems, chemical messengers called hormones are secreted into the body via the bloodstream or ducts by certain glands called endocrine glands e.g pancreas, hypothalamus etc. These hormones are meant to effect a physiological change in certain cells called TARGET CELLS.
In biology, a target cell is any receiving cell that has the ability to respond to signals and messengers like hormones. This responding ability of hormones is due to the possession of specific receptor sites for the specific hormones. The receptor on a particular target cell recognizes that specific hormone's chemical structure, hence, will only respond to it.
For example, an insulin hormone secreted by the pancreas will only be responded to by a target cell that recognizes the chemical structure of the insulin protein using its receptor molecule.
Option C
I think it is C distance changed