When you buy expensive items with a loan, you often need to make a down payment to cover a portion of the purchase price. That initial payment is often critical for getting approved, and it can affect your borrowing costs throughout the life of your loan. As a result, it’s wise to understand how down payments work so you can choose the right down payment amount.
She did not qualify the exam.
Step-by-step explanation:
Given data
Total no of question in a test = 20
No. of question answered correctly = 16
Percentage of question answered correctly
But in order to get in the exam the student must have to score at least 90 %. But she got only 80 % so she did not qualify the exam.
Step-by-step explanation:
4. (Theater) 39%
5. (Bowling) 20%
6. (Pets) True, false, true
Hope this helps!