the gas tank of a 2012 Toyota Prius holds 11.9 gallons how many pounds of carbon dioxide are produced by burning the entire tank of gas round to the hundredths place
<span><span>Count Down Your Carbon: Our Assumptions</span> The average price for electricity is $0.106 per kWh and the average price for natural gas ... consumed, 20 pounds of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere. ... Also assumed is that 159.5 pounds of carbon dioxide are emitted for every .... If a truck travels just 10 miles per gallon of gasoline, it requires 100 gallons of ... <span>Math 123 Quantitative Reasoning Homework 11 - Sec 12 Carbon ...</span> Oct 8, 2016 ... 3. If a truck gets 14 miles to the gallon on average, how much carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere when the truck travels 200 miles? <span>1 gallon of gasoline · BlueSkyModel</span> <span></span> On average, one gallon of gasoline produces 18 pounds of carbon dioxide. ... octane, C8H18 ) combines with atmospheric oxygen ( O2 ) to produce carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) ... To determine how many grams of carbon dioxide are produced , we need to ... If your car gets 20 miles-per-gallon and you drive 10,000 miles in a year, ... <span>Carbon dioxide emission footprint calculator and offset estimator</span> <span></span> Carbon dioxide emissions calculator script to estimate the footprint and tons of carbon dioxide some of your activities generate and how many trees it would take to ... If you usually work in metric, there's also a handy conversion feature below. ... SUV/4 wheel drive carbon dioxide emissions based on 1.57 pounds per mile1 Commuter Match & Math - Ventura County Air Pollution Control... of gasoline needed to travel 100 miles and the amount of carbon dioxide produced. ... Commuter Activity Day: If your classroom is small you will need to ... gasoline that is burned, 19.42 pounds of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. ..... 14 mpg. 3/4 Ton Truck. 5 passengers. 10 mpg. 1 Ton Pickup. 5 passengers. <span>Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Typical Passenger Vehicle (EPA...</span> EPA-420-F-14-040a ... How much tailpipe carbon dioxide (CO. 2. ) ... 21.6 miles per gallon.3 Every gallon of gasoline creates about 8,887 grams of CO. 2 when burned. Therefore, the average vehicle when driving one mile has tailpipe CO. 2 ... A typical passenger vehicle emits about 4.7 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. I Wanna Go Green… So Show Me The Math! | Science 2.0 Jul 2, 2007 ... A comprehensive overview of the carbon emissions resulting from ... If you're interested in determining what many of the things you do ... In our family, our minivan gets an average of 20 mpg. .... the amount of carbon dioxide that is emitted into the atmosphere as a .... (14) Cities, Scale and Economics | A Town Square Apr 3, 2009 ... So the line between DC and NYC, around 200 miles, would run ... million pounds of carbon dioxide pollution per year in the bargain). ... of industrialized agriculture , an average meal travels 1,500 mile to get to ... Now if a semi trailer truck gets about 7 miles per gallon (you can .... 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. <span>How to turn 6 pounds of gasoline into 20 pounds of carbon dioxide...</span> <span></span> When you burn something, it might feel like you're turning it into lightness, air, ... All it takes to convert one gallon of gas into 20-ish pounds of carbon dioxide is ... You also get some carbon monoxide and other nasty stuff coming out of your tailpipe. ... Finally, your exhaust is quite a bit heavier if you count the steam that is ... </span>12345Next<span>902 results</span>
the mode is the most often repeated number in a data set so the mode in this data set would be 9. The median is the middle number in the data set. The middle number in this data set is 8. Lastly, the mean in a data set is all of the numbers in the data set added together and then divided by how many numbers are in the set. The equation for this data set would be 99/13= 7.62