An engine or motor is a machine designed to convert one form of energy into mechanical energy. Heat engines convert heat into work via various thermodynamic processes.
Observing, Looking, Collecting, there are a few words for "gathering information with your eyes".
.1 Display all information from the customer table for all customers that have a balance that is greater than the average balance.
2. Display all information from the rep table for all representatives that have a rate which is equal to the minimum rate for representatives.
3. Display each unique description and price (no duplicates) for all parts that have a quoted price that is greater than the average quoted price for all parts ordered.
4. List all streets where either a customer or a representative is located
Follows are the method definition to this question:
void Reverse_Order(struct Node* h)//defining a recursive method Reverse_Order that takes structure in parameter
if (h == NULL)//use if block to check head equal to null
return;//use return keyword
Reverse_Order(h->next);//call method recursively
cout<<h->data;//print data
In the above code, a recursive method "Reverse_Order" takes structure as the parameter, and inside the method, structure variable h is used that uses the if conditional statement to check the header equal to null.
In the condition is true, it will use the return keyword, and in the next step, it calls the method recursively, and print its value in the reverse order.
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