Here is the JAVA program. Let me know if you need the program in some other programming language.
import java.util.Scanner; // used for taking input from user
public class Main{ //Main class
public static void main(String[] args) {//start of main() function body
Scanner scan = new Scanner(; // creates a Scanner type object
String input; // stores input series
int sum = 0; //stores the sum of the series
System.out.println("Enter a series of numbers separated by commas: "); //prompts user to enter a series of numbers separated by comma
input = scan.nextLine(); //reads entire input series
String[] numbers = input.split("[, ]"); //breaks the input series based on delimiter i.e. comma and stores the split sub strings (numbers) into the numbers array
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { //loops through each element of numbers array until the length of the numbers reaches
sum += Integer.parseInt(numbers[i]); } // parses the each String element of numbers array as a signed decimal integer object and takes the sum of all the integer objects
System.out.println("Sum of all the numbers: " + sum); } } //displays the sum of all the numbers
The program prompts the user to enter a series separated by commas.
Then split() method is used to split or break the series of numbers which are in String form, into sub strings based on comma (,) . This means the series is split into separate numbers. These are stored in numbers[] array.
Next the for loop iterate through each sub string i.e. each number of the series, converts each String type decimal number to integer using Integer.parseInt and computes the sum of all these integers. The last print statement displays the sum of all numbers in series.
If the input is 7,9,10,2,18,6
Then the output is: 7+9+10+2+18+6
sum = 52
The program and its output is attached.