On Ursula’s birthday, her cousins hid her presents in a secret location and gave her this cryptogram to identify the location: 9
, 32, 83, 45, 78, 92, 100, 121, 4, 35, 67, 96. They also told her that the cryptogram was encoded using this matrix: The numbers in the decoded message corresponding to the letters in the alphabet as shown here:
Space 0 I 9 R 18
A 1 J 10 S 19
B 2 K 11 T 20
C 3 L 12 U 21
D 4 M 13 V 22
E 5 N 14 W 23
F 6 O 15 X 24
G 7 P 16 Y 25
H 8 Q 17 Z 26
Help Ursula find her presents by using the inverse of the coding matrix to decode the message.